symptoms, causes and treatments of RSV

Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of RSV

06 Jan 2023

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a result of virus infection. The infection targets the lungs, particularly the small air pathways known as bronchioles. It is among the prevalent causes of childhood illnesses. Many kids get the virus before they reach two years old. Adults can also be infected. Most kids and adults who contract RSV develop mild symptoms presenting with a regular cold.

RSV usually resolves on its own in about a week. Babies below six months, premature infants, adults above 65 years, or individuals with a weakened immune system can have severe symptoms after RSV infection. A severe infection may lead to pneumonia, thus requiring immediate care.

Symptoms of RSV in Adults and Kids

RSV symptoms may take 2 to 8 days once a person has contracted the virus. The symptoms come in stages instead of all at once. The main ones include sneezing, coughing, wheezing, runny nose, and fever.

Babies below six months who get infected with RSV may have reduced appetites, irritability or fussiness, change in breathing patterns, and minimal interest in activities.

Severe symptoms such as noisy breathing, belly breathing, gray or blue color on the fingernails, mouth, and lips, or short, slow, shallow, or rapid breathing should necessitate a visit to Memorial Village Emergency Room.

Can RSV Turn into Pneumonia?

When RSV spreads from the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract, it can result in pneumonia. Here it affects the small airways and gets further to the lungs. In such cases, a patient should consider pneumonia RSV treatment in Houston.

How Can You Tell If RSV Has Turned into Pneumonia?

You can tell if RSV has become pneumonia if you experience difficulty breathing. You may have shallow and rapid breathing, and you feel breathless. Seek a 24-hour emergency room in Houston, TX, if you have these symptoms.

Treatment for RSV

Much of the RSV treatment in infants and adults at Memorial Village Emergency Room is depended on the symptoms. Mild symptoms resemble the common cold; in most cases, they do not require treatment. RSV normally disappears on its own in about a week or two. However, you can manage the symptoms with at-home treatments such as drinking fluids to remain hydrated and taking over-the-counter fever or pain medication.

When Should You Get to the ER?

Since RSV can contribute to serious illnesses, some of which are life-threatening, you should ensure that you get treatment if the symptoms worsen. You may develop serious conditions: pneumonia, worsening heart or lung conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiolitis, or congestive heart failure.

Go to the ER if you have noisy breathing, difficulty breathing, blue or gray skin color, or pauses while breathing. If you have short, shallow, and faster breathing, visit Memorial Village Emergency Room immediately. Our clinicians and physician will diagnose you and provide the required treatment so that further complications don’t arise.

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