Abdominal pain is a very broad term that refers to any pain felt in the stomach or the abdominal region. When pain occurs in this area, it can be due to a myriad of reasons. This often makes it difficult…
25 Oct 2018Emergency Room Near Me It is estimated that 1.5 million of Americans sustain a brain injury each year. Our Memorial Village ER receives many patients affected by a brain injury. This can dramatically change a person’s life in just a…
24 Oct 2018Each year we hear stories in the news about West Nile Virus, the disease transmitted through mosquito bites. Unfortunately, this year, West Nile Virus season is off to an early start…this does not bode well for what’s to come. There…
31 Jul 2018With flu season waning, it’s easy to think that the time for seasonal illnesses has ended. The reality, however, is that every season of the year comes with its own set of health ailments and risks, and summer is no…
12 Jun 2018A bed without snoring, every once in a while, is hard to come by. Let’s just say… snoring is extremely irritating for both sides of the bed. But before you rule it out as just an annoying habit, consider this……
19 Mar 2018The 2017-2018 flu season is off to an early start, and data so far suggests it could be a doozy. To help prepare—or just help you brush up on your flu facts—here are answers to every critical flu question you…
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